The Job Service is a structure within the Salesian TVET Centers. Its establishment is the fruit of the long experience of the Salesians of Don Bosco in the TVET world. It is a powerful instrument for an effective TVET development process to ensure training objectives meet placement objectives. Hence, the activities of the JSO can be classified in three major moments:
Pre TVET [Orientation and development of career choice], During Training [accompaniment and guidance] and post [ Industrial attachment, Job Placements and Networking].
To collaborate with TVET Centres and relevant stakeholders in skilling Nigeria.
Ensure Young People are aware, guided and accompanied to make good career choices for effective training and eventual insertion into the world of work.
To promote TVET as a career choice towards employment and equitable training for both girls and boys.
To guide and lead young people to design, monitor and evaluate a personal and vocational life project including relevant training pathways.
To ensure that the skills taught in the TVET Centres are relevant to labour market demand
To prepare the trainee for the world of work or labour market
To facilitate cooperation and partnerships with public and private sectors for job placements
To improve internal and external networking
To evaluate the external effectiveness of our TVET Centres and effective communication with stakeholders.